Sjøbukk: diferenças entre revisões

Fonte: Lexicomarinho
Sem resumo de edição
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Linha 5: Linha 5:

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;Country of origin
'''''sjøbukk''''' • Creature that lives near the coast and near people. It has been known to help human beings, and is very strong. Only males.<br />
:Norway<br />

:Creature that lives near the coast and near people. It has been known to help human beings, and is very strong. Only males.<br />

;País de origem
:Noruega<br />


Revisão das 14h07min de 1 de março de 2021

sjøbukk • Creature that lives near the coast and near people. It has been known to help human beings, and is very strong. Only males.

País de origem