Klubbehelleren: diferenças entre revisões

Fonte: Lexicomarinho
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* Hufthammer, A.K., 2015. Osteological assemblages form rock shelters as source data for subsistence from Bronze Age to the Middle Ages in Western Norway, in: S. Indrelid, K. Loe Hjelle, K. Stene et al. (eds). ''Exploitation of outfield resources - Joint Research at the University Museums of Norway'', Universitetsmuseet i Bergen skifter nr. 32.
* Hufthammer, A.K., 2015. Osteological assemblages form rock shelters as source data for subsistence from Bronze Age to the Middle Ages in Western Norway, in: S. Indrelid, K. Loe Hjelle, K. Stene et al. (eds). ''Exploitation of outfield resources - Joint Research at the University Museums of Norway'', Universitetsmuseet i Bergen skifter nr. 32.


Revisão das 11h15min de 26 de fevereiro de 2021

County/ Region
Archaeological Period
Migration Period
Year of excavation
Species present


  • Hufthammer, A.K., 2015. Osteological assemblages form rock shelters as source data for subsistence from Bronze Age to the Middle Ages in Western Norway, in: S. Indrelid, K. Loe Hjelle, K. Stene et al. (eds). Exploitation of outfield resources - Joint Research at the University Museums of Norway, Universitetsmuseet i Bergen skifter nr. 32.