Sjøhorv: diferenças entre revisões

Fonte: Lexicomarinho
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Linha 4: Linha 4:
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'''''sjøhorv''''' • Gigantic creature (as large as small islands) that feasts on fish and sailors alike. A Sjøhorv as spikes as big as masts on its back. The creature is mentioned in the Norwegian 13<sup>th</sup> century book ''Konungs skuggsiá'' as an immense [[Whale (generic)|whale]] called 'havguven' (Kongespeilet) <ref>Brøgger, A.W. (trl.), Kongespeilet. H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard). Oslo 1947, p. 26.</ref>.
;País de origem:
;País de origem:
:Havgast, Havgufa, Havgygre, Kraken, Sjøgygre <br />
:Havgast, Havgufa, Havgygre, Kraken, Sjøgygre <br />
:Gigantic creature (as large as small islands) that feasts on fish and sailors alike. A Sjøhorv as spikes as big as masts on its back. The creature is mentioned in the Norwegian 13<sup>th</sup> century book ''Konungs skuggsiá'' as an immense [[Whale (generic)|whale]] called 'havguven' (Kongespeilet) <ref>Brøgger, A.W. (trl.), Kongespeilet. H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard). Oslo 1947, p. 26.</ref>.
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Revisão das 13h31min de 1 de março de 2021

sjøhorv • Gigantic creature (as large as small islands) that feasts on fish and sailors alike. A Sjøhorv as spikes as big as masts on its back. The creature is mentioned in the Norwegian 13th century book Konungs skuggsiá as an immense whale called 'havguven' (Kongespeilet) [1].

País de origem
Havgast, Havgufa, Havgygre, Kraken, Sjøgygre


  1. Brøgger, A.W. (trl.), Kongespeilet. H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard). Oslo 1947, p. 26.