Monge marinho
Fonte: Lexicomarinho

Léxico Marinho — Mamíferos marinhos — Criaturas mitológicas — Atividades relacionadas com mamíferos marinhos — Toponímia — Zooarqueologia — Fontes históricas — Citar Léxico Marinho

monge marinho • Nordic creature that is mentioned by the Swiss naturalist Conrad Gesner in his chapter on merpeople[1]. Apparently, a mermonk was captured by herring fishers in the Baltic Sea near Copenhagen. Gesner also mentions a merbishop that was captured near Poland in 1531.
- Português
- Monge marinho
- Inglês
- Mermonk
- Norueguês
- Havmunk (literal translation; not known in Norwegian mythology)
- Holandês
- Zeemonnik (literal translation; not known in Dutch mythology)
- Alemão
- Seemönch
- Francês
- Moine de mer; Poisson-moine
- Espanhol
- Italiano
- Grego
- Crioulo
- ↑ Conrad Gesner, 1604: Historiae animalium, p. 439.